that pretty woman holding me is one of my best friends and ninang. she's one person whom i really, really look up to coz she's done a lot of remarkable things in life that somehow inspire me to do my best as a person. she's a music-piano teacher (i can still hear her voice, yelling at me from 50 meters away, "you're hitting the wrong note!!!" ULIT!!!), a singer (well, although she may have sang only for relatives), life of the party, a perennial jester, a connoiseur in the kitchen, a wife...a loving mother...all rolled into one. she went through a lot in life, and since she's basically a very jolly person (whose raucous laughter used to awaken the sleepy and quiet neighborhood in their street in pandacan...she probably does until now in hayward), she's shown us how strong she is in the face of adversary, was able to weather all storms in her life (well, almost)and emerged as a person of great personality!...warm, very level-headed, very understanding, versatile...very smart!
i may have not said this yet, but ninang, thank you so much for the friendship, the love, the undying support...everything! i've been truly remiss at writing...heto pambawi ko sa yo!
God bless you always and goodluck to grandmotherhood! hehehe... Happy Birthday!

Pro Viewer 2.1 Mega Pixels Digital Binocular Camera W/lcd
We can't begin to tell you how many times we've missed a picture perfect opportunity because our digital camera was unable to zoom in close. With the Pro Viewer 2.1 Mega Pixel Digital Binocular Camera you'll always get the right shot - no matter how far away you are. And you'll know every time if you captured the right shot because you can view your images on the 1.5\" full color, flip up LCD screen. If you've ever taken a traditional digital camera to a football game then you know the anguish we're talking about. The moment you get home to download your images you notice that nearly every player looks as small as they were when you were at the game. The Pro Viewer gets you 8 times closer to the action. How close is that? Let's just .. gadget review
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